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Archive of selected sold artwork
Shown below is a selection of previously sold artwork. Please click on the image to enlarge.
Trésor en péril | Allegresse | Falling apart |
Immanence | Reaction galore! | Festivities |
En voie de disparition | Alice in Wonderland | Olé! Olé! |
L'envolée | Talvivalo | Scission impossible |
La fuite | Eldorado | ce qui me retient |
''Secret oasis'' | "Broyer du noir" | ''Réorganisation du chaos'' |
''Frosty sunset'' | "Crépuscule" | ''Cosmic fiesta'' |
''Springtime memories'' | ''Terre aride'' | ''Oatka'' |
"Eclosion" | "Fragilité" | "Warp speed" |
"Terre promise" | "Bouquet printanier" |
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